From 2015, 2015年より、


The English version is "Slow Life - Tidings of four seasons".
I am weak in English. For that reason I aim at something like picture book, that is represented by words of a little.


Aromaphloia アロマフロイア』では、バラやアロマオイルなどユーカリ以外のものを掲載しています。


Germination of E.Morrisbyi

2009.09.25 It goes back and it writes.

I made seeding, and about 1 week passed and germinated.

The pot which does not germinate at all.
The pot which did germinate four or five seedling.
They are various.

Leaving the thing which germinated in a center, I pulled out the remainder.
There is the pot which left two seedlings.

The seedling which I pulled out prepared eight pots by addition and planted it.
I transplanted three seedlings per a pot.
Pot is finally 20 pots.

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