2009.09.19 It goes back and it writes.
This is a package of the seed of E.Morrisbyi.
I did seeding only by 1/4g.
Because the seed was small, it subdivided. Between 4 grain and 7 grain per 6 centimeter pot.
If germinating as a rate of germination of 50%.
2 or 3 seedling per pot are the best if they germinate.
I am going to bring up a seedling by a cull.
The pot of 6 centimeters is made four laminar structure of soil.
stratum of seeding soil,
stratum of a loam,
stratum of seeding soil,
stratum of a loam by the bottom.
The soil for seeding is beaten by sprinkle water.
The reason that I made four laminar structure is to stabilize the seedling which germinated.
In addition, I hope that it is fixed in a loam well when a root was made.
If a seedling grows, I just transplant it in a big pot.
When I move it into a big pot if I do it this way, I do not injure a root.
The soil for seeding is soil for exclusive use of the seeding (a herbaceous cutting) mixing the iron ingredient.
The seed is sorted to a small sack so that a number becomes uniform.
It equally sows it to the 6 centimeters pot.
By the way, I do not advance on schedule.
There is the thing that a seed fell with a lump from the small bag into a pot .
I cannot distinguish the soil from a seed when I put in a seed.
I sprinkle the powder of the loam to fix a seed after having put in a seed.
I received advice that The seed sop the liquid which weakened pyroligneous acid to 2,000 fold with water before seeding that to make germination better.
Because there was not pyroligneous acid, I carry it out with bamboo vinegar liquid.
During liquid making, a needle came off, and it was weakened bamboo vinegar liquid to 1,000 fold.
No problem ???
After making seeding, I was sterilization of the soil and dipped it into bamboo vinegar dilution water for 12 hours.
The later management is watering and be put into place in the shade.